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A reimagined claims experience

Published: June 18, 2024|

Based on a large volume of customer insights, we’ve redesigned the claims experience to make it easier and more intuitive—featuring several key updates that more clearly educate customers, set their expectations, communicate their claim status, and help them complete the process more efficiently.

Woman looking at her phone

Clearer Communications

To better educate customers up-front, the Claims Portal now includes a quick tutorial and claims overview page. A redesigned status bar offers better, clearer visual representation to show customers dynamic updates on their current claim status.

New and Improved Functions

To make submission of supporting documents easier, the document upload function has evolved, and customers receive a personalized list of documents required for their claim. And for better efficiency, a live agent chat function, via chatbot, is now available to help direct customers to the right staff member when they need additional help.

A Mobile-Friendly Experience

Almost half of Claims Portal visitors currently file a claim from their mobile device and almost 70% check their claim status this way. To enhance their experience, the Claims Portal has been redesigned to be more mobile-friendly. The all-new Allyz® TravelSmart app makes filing a claim on the go even easier—while giving your customers access to other valuable travel safety and trip organization features.

Download a new Claims Portal launch flyer for more details.

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